September 30, 2008


Pretty unusual, but surely also the only one to ever be released. A PvP movie... yeah. Now stop throwing stuff at me - I'm innocent.
The footage for the video was captured in season 3 (late january 2008) and was rotting on my HDD since then. A friend of mine kept on annoying me for several weeks to release that stuff, so I apprently sacrified those 3 hours of editing.
Just in case you want to watch it - click the picture above or here.

The good news is:
I'm working on a whole machinima series at the moment and with some luck the first sneak-peek might be available today. The trailer will be released by the end of the week if everything works as planned and I hope to have the first episode up and running in two or three weeks.

September 16, 2008


So I needed black leather, but there's non ingame *sighs* time to learn WoW texture editing.

September 15, 2008

Yeah... whatever

I don't know what I wanted to write here - time for bed.

September 12, 2008

Meat & Greet with some BlingBling

Maybe someone remembers that (visually) horrible movie - Meat&Greet - the first one I released and also the fastest one if I remember correctly. The wohle thing was made in one single 21-hour session or something and I had no superior editing software (or skills). Everything was made in Premiere 5.0 and even the keying reminds me a bit of Windows MovieMaker.

Well, whatever - I thought I might be able to adjust some parts, get better colors in, etc - just to find out that the complete footage got destroyed during a HDD crash last year. Still willing to make it look a bit better I just took the second best choice in the end and edited the only rendered version that I have within 30 or 40 minutes
(and thats what it looks like :P ).
Some color corrections, some masks, some adjusted curves, some more masks, some gradients, some lolglows and it's done. And yessss - it still looks horrible, BUT it has lolglows!

It's also up on WCM so maybe throw some bad rating at me over there or whatever you prefer for throwing.

September 6, 2008

EPIXX - Too Fast For Love

Update: Vimeo Stream's up!
So - I read about this machinima contest in BaronSoosdon's blog and unfortunately I decided to participate. So far that's not really anything special to write about, but the contest lasted from Jul. 31st to Sep. 6th. When I found out that there's a contest going on it was indeed the 2nd September.
Well... 3,5 days for a 36-day project ain't a problem, right?

I had quite exactly 4 hours of sleep in the last 3 days, but - tada - it's finished. The downside of the timeframe is that I had no time to really work on the sound and - even worse - no time to find proper voiceactors. 90% of the voices are done by me (sounds horrible *shiver*) - luckily moo_money did the voiceacting for a gnome girl and she did that pretty well indeed - thanks for adding at least one good voice to the project!

Anyways - it's up on FileFront and I strongly recommend to not use the FF stream. If you really want to see it, use the Vimeo Stream or better - download it! It's only 150 MB anyway.

>> Download EPIXX - Too Fast For Love
from Filefront (150MB)

On a sidenote: The script was 100% written by BaronSoosdon so don't blame me for the lack of logic or ask me stupid questions like "why is there a huge SPACE ONION lading in Warsong Gulch?!" - the answer is:
I dont know.

On yet another sidenote: Rock'n'Troll will come, but probably not this very summer. That one is a huge project and as I want it a least a bit perfect'ish it'll take some more time. But it will be worth the effort - Just stay tuned.