September 12, 2008

Meat & Greet with some BlingBling

Maybe someone remembers that (visually) horrible movie - Meat&Greet - the first one I released and also the fastest one if I remember correctly. The wohle thing was made in one single 21-hour session or something and I had no superior editing software (or skills). Everything was made in Premiere 5.0 and even the keying reminds me a bit of Windows MovieMaker.

Well, whatever - I thought I might be able to adjust some parts, get better colors in, etc - just to find out that the complete footage got destroyed during a HDD crash last year. Still willing to make it look a bit better I just took the second best choice in the end and edited the only rendered version that I have within 30 or 40 minutes
(and thats what it looks like :P ).
Some color corrections, some masks, some adjusted curves, some more masks, some gradients, some lolglows and it's done. And yessss - it still looks horrible, BUT it has lolglows!

It's also up on WCM so maybe throw some bad rating at me over there or whatever you prefer for throwing.

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