September 30, 2008


Pretty unusual, but surely also the only one to ever be released. A PvP movie... yeah. Now stop throwing stuff at me - I'm innocent.
The footage for the video was captured in season 3 (late january 2008) and was rotting on my HDD since then. A friend of mine kept on annoying me for several weeks to release that stuff, so I apprently sacrified those 3 hours of editing.
Just in case you want to watch it - click the picture above or here.

The good news is:
I'm working on a whole machinima series at the moment and with some luck the first sneak-peek might be available today. The trailer will be released by the end of the week if everything works as planned and I hope to have the first episode up and running in two or three weeks.


Anonymous said...

nice movie
can you post yur AddOn list, it looks all great.


Kilh said...

Unfortunatelly I dont have the old Addon folder anymore, but I -guess- (!) that its basicly
- pitbull
- proximo
- bartender
- powerauras
- elkbuffbars

Not sure about the rest.

Anonymous said...

nice movie. love your edit style.

any chance of sharing your keybindings and macros? :)


Anonymous said...

thx fo AddOn list.


Kilh said...

Keybindnings are pretty much straight forward: 1-6 + Shift modifier, Q, E, R, F, Y, G, T + Shift/Ctrl or both and a few mousebindings.
If it's important:
Q Massdispel
E Fear
R Dispel
Y Berserk+Manaburn
G SelfDispel Macro
Mouse5 Focus
Shift+Mouse5 Silence Focus
Shift+D Silence
and probably some more bindings I can't remember after such a long time.